Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Effects of Gloabl Warming .. >.<;;

The effects of global warming are all over us .. u can notice the effects all around you and in our daily life. The major problem that is affecting me is the increase of the temp in the UAE, its so how you cant wake outside in the afternoon .. >.< .

Not only this, you cant do any outside activity. Well to the earth the effect of the rising in temp is melting the polar and this well result in rise in sea level. Additionally, the rise in sea level will result in more tornados and hurricanes ,, this will affect the cities and towns near the sea.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Global Warming !?!?!

Global warming is one of the major topics that’s everyone talks about. At first I thought what with everyone talking about the earth heating up, I thought that people are over reacting about it.

Well people .. global warming is true .. and for the ones that doesn’t know what is global warming. It is the increase in the average temperature of the earth which no one cared about until recently.
The increase in temperature cause the ice to melt and the heat increased in the last few months.

About Moi

My name is Saeed Ghasham Al-hameli. I was born on the second of May 1986.I graduated from Emirates Privet School in Abu Dhabi, after graduation I had a lot of hope and went to continue my education in the American University of Sharjah. My major was mechanical engineering. I studied there for two semesters, but unfortunately my GPA was below 2 so I had to change University and went to HCT of Abu Dhabi which I am still at having fun and enjoying my college life.

I have many hobbies such as, watching movies specially comedy and action movies which I don’t miss in the cinema. I’d rather watch them in the cinema than downloading them from the internet with low video and sound quality. Another thing that I love doing is riding motor bikes in the desert, which my friends and I do every weekend in the winter, but in summer our weekend destination changes to the beach. We go fishing and riding jet skis. In my free time I usually play online games which most of my friends play, it’s fun and good for wasting the afternoon.